RealPro Tips for Moving.
As a real estate agent I rarely think about what happens after we close on a home. This is usually where our job ends, but when a buyer receives the keys to their new home, that is when the difficult part starts. A friend of mine recently purchased a new home and decided to move on her own with a little help from friends....( me) . I thought it would be easy just making a couple of trips back and forth from the old home to the new place. Boy was I wrong! There are many things that need to be done way ahead of time to limit the speed bumps along the way. As soon as escrow opens here are my tips for moving. See the checklist below to see our tips to moving! Enjoy your new home!
1-2 Months before Move
- Create binder/folder for moving records (estimates, receipts, inventory lists, etc.)
- Plan your moving method (truck rental, hiring movers, etc.) and get cost estimates
- See if your employer will provide moving expense benefits
- Research storage facilities if needed
- Schedule disconnection/connection of utilities at old and new place
[ ] Phone [ ] Internet [ ] Cable [ ] Water [ ] Garbage [ ] Gas [ ] Electric
- Plan how you will move vehicles, plants, pets and valuables
- Plan how you will arrange furniture in the new place - use a floor plan or sketch
- Hold a garage sale, donate, sell, or trash unnecessary items
- Schedule transfer of records (medical, children in school, etc.)
- Get copies of any records needed (medical, dental, etc.)
- Acquire packing materials (boxes, tape, stuffing/padding, markers, etc.)
- Make any home repairs that you have committed to making
- Return borrowed, checked-out and rented items
- Get things back that you have lent out
- Start using up food you have stored so there is less to move
- 3 -4 Weeks before Move
- Finalize moving method and make necessary arrangements
- Begin packing non-essential items
- Label boxes by room and contents
- Separate valuable items to transport yourself - label as DO NOT MOVE
- Keep a box out for storing pieces, parts and essential tools that you will want to keep with you on move day - label as PARTS / DO NOT MOVE
- Create an inventory list of items and box contents, including serial numbers of major items - use this as an opportunity to update your home inventory
- Fill out a Change of Address form at a post office or online
- Provide important contacts with your new address:
- [ ] Employers [ ] Family & Friends [ ] Attorney [ ] Accountant [ ] Others
- Notify your insurance and credit card companies about change of address
- Cancel automated payment plans and local accounts/memberships if necessary
- Take your vehicle(s) in for a tune-up, especially if you are traveling very far
- 1 -2 Weeks before Move
- Continue packing and clean as you go
- Pack items separately that you will need right away at your new place
- Plan to take the day off for moving day
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